BANGKOK, Sept 2 (TNA) - The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), a coalition of groups campaigning to oust the Samak administration, insisted on Tuesday it had no intention to back down and its only objective was the end of this government.
PAD leader Somsak Kosaisuk was asked to comment on Army Commander Gen. Anupong Paochinda's statement that the authorities want to dialogue and will not use force to end the PAD-led demonstration and occupation of Government House.
Mr. Somsak stood firm that the government's resignation is the only factor that will lead the PAD to any negotiation table to end the protest.
He said PAD has not resorted to any violence in its protest, and he asked what Gen. Anupong would do in the event that the government uses force.
Mr. Somsak said the arrest warrants on him and eight other PAD leaders pose no obstacle to the demonstration and PAD is firmly on its track of ousting the government.
PAD coordinator Suriyasai Katasila said among those most critically injured during the violent clash on Monday night was a 55-year old volunteer security guard for PAD.
He also claimed that PAD staffers have seized ten pro-government protesters. Some of these, he claimed were inebriated and admitted to have been paid 500 baht to stage the riot. He said PAD had turned those individuals over to the police.
Meanwhile, leaders of the pro-government demonstrators who clashed with anti-government protesters early Tuesday morning rejected the conciliatory stance in negotiations proposed by the army chief intending to end the violence and further bloodshed.
Members of the pro-government United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) told a press conference late in the day that its faction expressed regret and was apologetic over a clash between its members and the anti-government PAD before dawn.
One person died and more than 30 others were injured in a free-for-all which led Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to impose a State of Emergency in Bangkok, a decree which took effect immediately.
The two leading pro-government protesters charged that the PAD members were armed with guns, knives, staves and stones and hurt UDD members of their faction during the clash.
The duo also turned down the proposal of Gen. Anupong, made Tuesday afternoon, for military and police personnel to talk to both sides with an objective to end the confrontation and bloody violence in the country.
Rejecting the olive branch, the two said the pro-government faction would give "enough time" -- until Wednesday -- to take legal action against the PAD and if concerned officials failed to do so, they would continue their demonstration and may move protesters to the PAD rally site again. (TNA)